Fillers or Crutch Words Fillers/ Crutch words are useless words and sounds that continuously creeping into people’s speech. Fillers words range from repetitious sounds, such as “uh”, “um”, “like” and “ahhh” and more. They also include favourite catch words and phrases, such as; “you know”, “anyway”, “just”, “all right” and “like”. The problem with using...
May 2017
Storytelling can be and is a really effective tool when speaking. As adults, stories still have that magic and power over us as we did when we were kids. Why is it that we forget this when we have to give a business presentation? Don’t we want to engage our audiences? For some reason, we...
May 2017
If you are anything like was about 18 months ago, I was the worlds worst rememberer of names (Yes I know this is a bad sentence…but so what – keep reading) I have to tell you, I never used to be the greatest at remembering names, but now I am 10x better than where I...
“You are indeed what you think about all day long”. This statement is especially true when it comes to public speaking. As humans we all have this preconceived belief about the things we can do and the things we cannot do. Once again… “PRECONCEIVED beliefs”. I often hear people say “Oh…I am such a horrible...