01 Apr 2016
The Essential 5-Minute Prep How To Calm Your Nerves Before You Take the Mic: The Essential 5-Minute Prep First off know that it’s completely normal and natural to be nervous before speaking in front of a group. We are born with two natural fears: loud noises and falling. The other fears are products of our...
01 Apr 2016
Showing Vulnerability Being vulnerable is quite difficult for a lot of people. Showing vulnerability, in general, is hard when you add speaking in front of an audience (intimidating to begin with), adding yet another layer of vulnerability…it can seem even more challenging. However, it’s the right direction to move in if you want to create...
01 Apr 2016
To Speak Well in any setting means: Accepting the Role of “SPEAKER” I know it sounds cave mannish, however whenever you speak up in front of a group, YOU = Speaker…like it or not. Unfortunately, most people go into the speaking experience focusing on this: “I CAN’T WAIT FOR THIS TO BE OVER” Sound familiar?...
01 Apr 2016
Tired of Rambling When You Talk….Keep Reading If you’ve ever left a meeting or a conversation saying to yourself, What did I just say? What was I thinking? Why did I keep talking? Don’t worry it happens to a lot of people. It’s not uncommon, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. If you...