12 Sep 2024

Does Your Body Language Align with How You Want to Be Perceived as a Leader?

As a leader, your body language says more than you might think. Does it convey support, empathy, and rapport with your team, or are you unintentionally pushing them away with your nonverbal cues? Many leaders are unaware of what their body language communicates in the moment, yet it plays a significant role in how others perceive their leadership style.

Your Body Language Conveys Your Leadership Style

Let’s dive into some simple but powerful body language hacks that will help you become a more successful and confident leader.

Initiate the Handshake and Lean In

When you meet someone, initiate the handshake and slightly lean in. This conveys confidence and openness, setting a positive tone for the interaction. It shows that you’re ready to engage and take charge of the conversation.

Use Hand Gestures to Enhance Your Message

Hand gestures can amplify your message when used correctly. Palms facing slightly upward and outward are seen as open and approachable, signaling that you’re receptive and friendly. However, be mindful of palm-down gestures, as they can come off as dominant or even aggressive, especially if your arms are stiff or rigid.

Stand Tall and Make Eye Contact

Good posture and eye contact signal that you’re attentive, engaged, and in control. Standing up straight while talking and maintaining eye contact with your team members communicates that you’re confident and focused on the conversation.

Avoid Touching Your Face or Neck

While using hand gestures is important, be cautious about touching your face or neck during conversations. These movements often indicate insecurity or nervousness, which can undermine your authority.

Manage Nerves with Controlled Breathing

I often get asked, “Karen, what should I do if I’m nervous or someone gets under my skin but I don’t want them to know?” Here’s a simple trick: Exhale slowly through your nose. This controlled breathing helps release tension that may otherwise show up in your body language as clenched fists, raised shoulders, or tightened neck muscles. The more relaxed your body, the more in control you’ll appear.

Make Your Body Language Work for You

As a leader, you can’t avoid making an impression—but you can influence the impression you make. The more you practice open and powerful body language, the more natural and effective it becomes.

Leadership isn’t just about what you say; it’s about how you say it, and how you show up nonverbally. By aligning your body language with the message you want to convey, you can enhance your communication, build stronger relationships with your team, and establish yourself as a more impactful and trustworthy leader.

If you are a leader in any capacity and would like to strengthen your communication your verbal and nonverbal communication acumen, feel free to reach out to find out more about my; Executive Communication & Body Language Coaching Programs

By adopting these simple body language tips, you’ll not only increase your influence but also create an environment where your team feels supported, understood, and motivated to perform at their best.



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