“You are indeed what you think about all day long”.
This statement is especially true when it comes to public speaking.
As humans we all have this preconceived belief about the things we can do and the things we cannot do.
Once again… “PRECONCEIVED beliefs”.
I often hear people say “Oh…I am such a horrible speaker”, and when I ask them how many times they’ve presented in front of a large group many say “Well… never, or once or twice”.
How can you assume that you are not good at something even before trying it or after trying it once or twice?
Were you a pro driver after the first try, could you quickly tie your shoelace after the first try, so why in heavens name do you believe and expect that by not trying at all or by trying a couple of times you will be amazing at it?
When you change these self – sabotaging beliefs you are holding in your mind, you can accomplish anything you desire and in this case you can and will become a great speaker ONLY when you believe you can.
Karen D