12 Sep 2024

Do difficult conversations scare you?
Do you try to steer away from conflict as much as possible?
Here’s the thing, not all all discomfort is a curse, at least it doesn’t have to be.

Here’s my secret weapon, that many of my executive clients use when conflict arises…
The Conflict Resolution Pyramid.

In short, this framework helps to navigate ANY situation, regardless of communication styles or personalities.

1. Stay Calm & Listen:
Let them talk, often when their is an issue it’s because someone does not feel heard, valued or validated. Take deep breaths and keep your cool, people are allowed to share their experience and how they feel even if you don’t experience it the same way. You are in charge of your emotions, not them. No one can rile you up unless you allow them to. When you become an “active listen” things will go a long way, everyone wants to be listened to.

2. Acknowledge & inquire:
Validate their feelings and ask open-ended questions, never assume. No interrupting when they are speaking…no one has to be made to feel wrong as a person (their actions may have been incorrect, however aim to not make them as a “whole person” wrong). Repeat what they’ve shared to ensure that you are receiving the wholeness of what they are saying. ️

3. Focus on solutions:
Forget about about the back and forth and focus on solutions. Work together to find win-win outcomes and check in to see if you’ve been able to neutralize or solve the issue. Someone doesn’t have to lose for everyone to win. Stop making it a right or wrong game, if it’s going down that path -that’s your ego talking (Stop it!).

At this time I have openings in my calendar to work with 2 more mid or senior executives who are ready to level up their executive presence and leadership performance. If that’s you, let’s talk, or feel free to share my contact [email protected]

Karen D


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