Now, you too can work with Karen Donaldson and…
Speak with increased power and clout in any situation and become that speaker that others admire
Increase your confidence in any setting.
Learn how to speak up and speak your mind all while being more comfortable in your skin.
Get paid 4 and 5 figures to get paid to speak on virtual and live stages around the world.
And much, much more…
Here’s What Change makers and Leading Influencers Have to Say About Working with Karen D
Booked as NBC’s official Red Carpet host for the Billboard Music Awards and American Music Awards
AJ Gibson, Red Carpet Host, Perspective Speaker, Coach Best Selling Author
Crushed her speaking competition!
Margot Freitag, Owner of Taiga Whole Health, H.B.A., B.Ed., MSc Nutrition Candidate, Massage Therapist, Certified Personal Trainer, Plant Based, Nutrition Consultant, Speaker
After a 2 hour intensive…his overall communication skills and body language skills now solid!
Stephan Cantana, Performance and Reporting Analyst, IPC
Craig Elliot, CFO, Ontario Tech University (former UOIT)
Corrina D’Alessio, Ontario Tech University (former UOIT)
The Growth He Made Was Remarkable and He’s Been Speaking For Years!
“I would definitely recommend the services of Karen Donaldson. She provides an excellent service because I have been speaking publicly for many years but there were areas that I needed to improve on and the growth that I have made is remarkable. I am fortunate that I have many video clips from the media that I watch to see my progress. Since I graduated from this course I have spoken at several political, community and social events and my confidence has improved.”
Canadian Politician
Karen’s Coaching Is Extremely Efficient And Effective No Matter How Busy Your Schedule!
“I liked that fact that the sessions fit into my extremely busy schedule. I also liked the fact that Karen Donaldson was very honest and gave constructive criticism and feedback which we shared and used during each session as areas to focus and work on. Karen was very professional. Our one-on-one sessions were extremely effective because I was able to self identify some of the areas of my speaking that I needed to improve on, monitor my own speech and instantly improve it.”
Words from Industry Experts and Their Team Members
“I liked all the different communication and body language strategies suggested and the things to be mindful of moving forward in our day-to-day life.”
Carla DeMarco, Office of V.P, Research UTM”
“What I liked best about the training session was the introduction and the engaging examples. The biggest benefit I received from this training session was learning how to slow down when I speak and how to practice positive self talk.”
Jody Brown, ING Direct Canada, Senior Associate
“I learned how to identify my crutch words and actively speaking/practicing while being aware. The most important benefit for me was I learned how to use a pause well and breathe. Karen, you were extremely engaging and captivating. I like how you got the audience involved and participating.”
Shaz Somani, ING Associate
I really like how interactive your training session was. It helped me work on my diction and enunciation as well as fillers and crutch words.
Christina, Tangerine Café Associate
Great workshop, it was very interactive, engaging and entertaining. It showed me exactly how to put together my 20 second elevator pitch; I know what to and what not to put in it.
Jennifer Maggio, Tangerine Retail Experience Associate
I am now able to find my crutch words and know I have learned how to weed them out of my speech. Karen you had a nice flow, awesome session.
Duane Cummings, Tangerine Sales Associate
“I LOVED that when you gave a tip I could put it into practice right there, I saw and felt the difference right away. Karen taught me the importance of and how to engage PEOPLE not only clients within the first 30 seconds. Your session was very informative and helpful, thanks.”
Janelle S, Tangerine Retail Associate
“Karen keynote was dynamic, enthusiastic and inspiring and the most important thing that I learned was how to develop a powerful elevator pitch by focusing on connecting with people.”
Wendy Banting, President, Secural Datashred Inc.
“Karen shared great coaching tips and showed us how to use the 3 W’s to connect with people. Her key note was energetic, engaging and authentic.”
Melanie Benwell, Managing Director PathWorks Personnel Inc.
“Karen was passionate and energetic in her delivery and showed me how be more effective in my communications through my personal presentation and coming directly to the point.”
Antonia Akai-Casuccio, Owner, The Loved One
Speak and Get Paid Private and Academy Clients
In a month and a half booked she booked a paid speaking gig (800 person stage)
Alecia St.Germain, Founder of the Conscious Edge
James Drury, Award Winning Networking & Connection Expert, Speaker, Professional Auctioneer
Speaker Slam Winner!
Merav Richter, Brave Ecstatic Woman Speaker, Author
The Corporate Lunch and Learn Queen!
Trudie German, Health & Fitness expert and Speaker, Corporate Wellness Specialist, Owner of Body Envy
Doubled His Speaking Fee!
“Karen helped me double my speaking fee, and align it with my company’s other offers to dramatically increase our profits from mid-sized clients.”
Justin Baeder, Director, The Principal Center
She just keep getting booked!
“Working with Karen has been an amazing, eye opening experience. Her coaching and guidance has significantly elevated my speaking business and I know that I am only getting started. She has allowed me to see how vast the speaking business is and this has been key to prepare myself to expand and explore. Keynote speaking, training, features in national magazines, guest appearances on national talk shows, Karen has prepared me for all of this….and I am just getting started! Thank you Karen!
“I will be conducting training on Racism and its impact on Mental Health to the organization The Olive Branch of Hope”.
“I will be on the Marilyn Denis show next Wednesday.”
“I will be featured in an article in Chatelaine Magazine.”
Dr. Natasha Williams
Radical Self Care and Self Empowerment Expert and Clinical Psychologist
Took her speaking career to the next level!
“Working with Karen has taken my speaking career to the next level. Her consistent guidance and insight have helped me to move my business forward. What I am happiest about, is Karen came into my life when I was ready to take action.”
Ingrid Shaban, R.R. Pr., Expert Holistic Health Practitioner, Coach & Speaker, Author, Poet, Wellness To Go
Over $13K for one day!
“Based on Karen’s advice I accepted an offer to be the official executive coach at a high-tech business conference in San Francisco that resulted in 3 new clients — that’s over $13K for one day!”
Judi Glova, Intuitive Business and Leadership Expert, Coach Trainer
President Pinnacle Coaching & Consulting
Booked to speak in North Carolina (She lives in Toronto)!
“I’m booked to speak in North Carolina in March. Thanks again for pushing me even if you don’t know you are. I appreciate you.”
Nakeisha Geddes, Co founder and Director of Beyond Services, Speaker, Author
Accepted to do 2 breakout sessions!
“I was accepted to do 2 breakout sessions for the 2020 Women Working in Corrections and Juvenile Justice in October in Savannah, GA. We are on a roll — Let’s Go!”
Linda Patten, Leadership Trainer for Women Entrepreneurs and Changemakers
Booked to speak in the Bahamas for 6 speaking engagements.
Karen, I just want to take a few minutes to say I am elated that I made the “BESTEST” decision in “partnering with you as my coach. It blows my mind to see what a tremendous difference having you in my corner is making.”
I’ve been asked by the Catholic Charities of Texas to present to their counselors about a topic that will help them better understand the military spouse and/or the military families. Thank you for sharing your gift with me.
Nicole Bowe-Rahming, Resilience & Mental Toughness Specialist, Speaker, The Fortitude Coach
“Thanks for the amazing coaching around a way to capture leads during my talk. Your feedback was SPOT ON! I was struggling and then I took your advice and voila!!! All the pieces came together beautifully! You rock girl!!!!!”
Heidi’s Day, Intuitive Trauma to Transformation coach
“More podcast interviews and workshops locked in for 2020!”
Brooke Write
“Karen is very knowledgeable with the corporate market for speakers and trainers and has a remarkably insightful way of knowing exactly how we should use her information to get the best results. Karen truly has a passion for what she does and provides tremendous value and it was such a pleasure to attend this training.”
Michael D. Wynn, Habit Success Strategist, Best-Selling Author, International Speaker, Certified Authenticity Coach, Certified Financial Literacy Trainer
Private Direct Messages from My Clients Sent via Phone
DM from my client……
Let’s brag together honey!!!
Upcoming speaking gigs and webinars honey
Oct 20
Dec 3
Nov 12 (Webinar)
Nov 17
Jan 8 (webinar)
DM from my client…
I’m negotiating a few lunch and Learns
DM from my client……
I just booked a lunch and learn for the end of this month!!!!
DM from my client……
4 speaking gigs for 2020 (This was a message from 2019)