Statistic: According to Sally Williamson & Associates, 98% of leaders must develop
executive presence—they weren’t born with it.

The demands on today’s executive leadership have rapidly intensified. Leaders are expected to be primed for leadership excellence, shape opinions, and mobilize teams to deliver at unprecedented levels. Through harnessing the power neuroscience, our programs equip leaders with the tools to consistently perform at their peak in any climate, while transforming executive communication and presence into meaningful, lasting influence that drives results.

Who we work with…
C-Suite Executives
Elite Professionals
High Performance Entrepreneurs

We offer…
Full day Intensives (Virtual or in person)
3-day in person intensives

4 month-long coaching programs

Executive Peak Performance Coaching

In short here’s what we do…
We help you to curate your personal ‘Peak Performance Protocol’ to get in a ‘state of peak performance’ quickly, stay there longer – all in a manner that’s repeatable, reliable and prevents burnout.
Our mission is to help you fulfill your potential as an exceptional leader in your field, by leveraging neuroscience, enabling you to perform at a high level in any setting with ease and on demand.”

By the end of this Executive Leadership and Peak Performance Coaching Program, you will be able to:

  • Consistently Perform at Your Peak: Master the ability to deliver high-level performance in any setting or situation with confidence and without stress, using neuroscience-backed techniques.
  • Optimize Your Energy and Focus: Navigate the flow cycle, balancing stress and rest for sustained performance and avoiding burnout.
  • Lead with Resilience and Adaptability: Handle high-pressure scenarios with ease, making sound decisions and leading effectively under any circumstances.
  • Maximize Productivity and Efficiency: Utilize personalized strategies to enhance your productivity, focus on key objectives, and minimize distractions.
  • Unlock Your Full Potential: Cultivate a mindset for continuous growth, maintaining peak performance while advancing in your leadership journey.

Book a complimentary consultation
(e) [email protected]

Executive Communication & Body Language Coaching

We help you master the art of becoming a dynamic and influential speaker, through both your verbal and non-verbal communication. You’ll command attention effortlessly, establish deep connections with your audience, and inspire others to listen and follow. Our approach ensures that you speak with confidence, presence, and the ability to leave a lasting impact. We call it connected communication.

By the end of this Executive Communication & Body Language Coaching Program you will be able to:

  • Be a master of your communications. You will be able to confidently use both verbal and non-verbal skills to communicate clearly and with authority, ensuring your message is impactful.
  • Easily command attention; captivate your audience and hold their attention, projecting a commanding presence in any room.
  • Connect deeply, foster strong, emotional connections with your audience and teams, making your message resonate on a deeper level.
  • Inspire action; motivate and influence others, inspiring them to follow your leadership and take meaningful action.

Book a complimentary consultation
(e) [email protected]

Executive Presence and Leadership Coaching

This program delivers learning that will help you fulfill your potential as a senior leader in driving personal and organizational success.  We will provide you with neuroscience backed tools and frameworks to effectively lead yourself, lead your people, and enhance your overall performance, so that you can think, act and communicate in an authentic, powerful, connected and strategic manner. We call it human leadership.

By the end of this Executive Presence and Leadership coaching program you will be able to:

  • Strengthen your leadership presence by using your body language to amplify your narrative and communicate with authority.
  • Communicate persuasively through non-traditional methods to effectively engage others, share your vision, and reinforce your strategy.
  • Drive peak performance by operating at an optimal state under pressure, managing stress, and preventing burnout.
  • Master communication by becoming more confident and decisive, controlling your emotions, and responding strategically rather than reacting impulsively.

Book a complimentary consultation
(e) [email protected]

Executive Presence and Leadership Coaching for Female Executives

This coaching program is designed for female executives thriving in male-dominated industries. You’ll strengthen your overall leadership skills, develop a powerful executive presence, and elevate your communication skills. Through peak performance training and tailored strategies, you’ll build a commanding professional persona that amplifies your ability to lead and support your team—equipping you to navigate and succeed in the ‘old boys’ club.

Fact:  Succeeding as a female executive in a male dominated industry, takes a unique set of skills.

By the end of this Program for Female Executives you will be able to:

  • Strengthen your leadership presence to effectively amplify your professional narrative.
  • Engage and communicate your vision and strategy persuasively through non-traditional means, amplifying your influence.
  • Achieve peak performance and maintain strategic leadership in high-pressure settings, particularly as a female leader in male-dominated industries.
  • Master communication by confidently commanding attention, being decisive, and managing interruptions seamlessly while speaking.

Book a complimentary consultation
(e) [email protected]

How to work with Karen

Email for a complimentary consultation
(e) [email protected]
(please indicate the option that you are interested in)

Meet Karen

Karen Donaldson, is a highly sought-after celebrity communication, body language, certified confidence (ACI) & neuroscience backed peak performance expert (FRC) and coach. She is the author of 3 best-selling books; Speak Like You Breathe: Straight Talk to Say What You Mean, Be Heard & Get Noticed, Speak Like You Breathe: 30 Lessons to Become a Naturally Confident Speaker, How To Live A Life With No Excuses: The Truth About Excuses, How To Stop Making Them and Start Getting Results.

Karen’s clients include, directors, politicians, C suite execs, celebrities and high-performance individuals from all over the globe. Karen has been featured in various publications including Huffington Post and Entrpreneur.com, and is a regularly called upon as guest expert for national media like FOX, NBC, ABC, CTV, the Globe and Mail, Yahoo, etc.
Karen is the secret weapon behind hundreds of elite professionals world-wide. Previously offering a “black card only service” (based on referral only). Karen has now opened up a few public spots to work with her.
If you’re ready to fulfill your potential as an “exceptional” leader in your craft, Karen is your person.

Words from a few clients…

“Karen Donaldson has been a pivotal figure in my professional development. During the time I work with Karen, she demonstrated exceptional skills and mentoring, leadership and executive presence. One of the things that sets Karen apart, is her commitment to developing a specific plan to address any challenge. She takes the time to realize all facets of a situation, including personalities, substantive aspects, the clients’ goals and any other nuanced complexities. Throughout the process, she explains the “why”, discusses objections or counterpoints in good faith. Her collaborative, iterative approach has been profoundly impactful, resulting in up levelling my executive presence and performance.”
Managing Counsel, Google LLC

“I have been speaking publicly for many years but there were areas that I needed to improve on, and the growth that I have made since working with Karen is remarkable.  I am fortunate that I have many video clips from the media that I watch to see my progress.  Since working with Karen, I have spoken at several political, community, and social events and my confidence, ability to command attention and connect with people has improved tremendously.”
US Senator

“I really appreciate Karen’s genuine concern for the needs of her client. Thank you for your cool and calm level of persistence. Thank you for you example of being on purpose. Thank you for being a catalyst for change!”
Aaron George, Insurance Broker

“I’ve been speaking for free for years. Working with Karen showed me that doing something you love and earning income while doing it is a huge bonus! She helped me turn my free speaking hobby into a business, and now I have paid engagements booked through the end of the year! “
Monique Haughton Worrell, Esq., State Attorney, Criminal and Social Justice Reform Advocate, Author, Keynote Speaker, Leadership Trainer, Consultant

“I had the incredible opportunity to work with Karen as my professional coach, and the experience was nothing short of transformative. As a junior lawyer, I sought Karen’s guidance to enhance my interview and client communication skills. In just two short hours, Karen exhibited an unparalleled level of expertise and dedication, while her personalized approach and insightful feedback not only improved my presentation skills but also instilled a newfound confidence. Karen’s ability to pinpoint areas for development and provide practical solutions is invaluable. I am truly grateful for the impact she has had on my professional growth, and I wholeheartedly recommend her services to anyone seeking to elevate their professional communication skills. Thank you Karen, for your exceptional coaching!”

Julian Freitag, Legal Counsel, Lumine Group

“Hi Karen! A quick note to say it’s been such an honor to work with you as you are SO gifted and talented at what you do! All to say my presentation that you prepped me for on Nov 1 went great and I thought about everything you told me. It’s getting easier thanks to your insights and far less stressful which is a huge win!”
Senior Manager at Google LLC

“If you are looking for practical solutions and not just fluff to achieve new levels of success then Karen will be your guide.”
Kory Minor, Founder/CEO of Kory Minor Industries (KMI), Former NFL Linebacker

“Karen shows you how to be an effective leader with simple and practical approaches.”
Gary Lucas, President, Elearning Multimedia Creations

Karen in the Media

This Body Language Expert’s Triangle Method Will Help You Catch a Liar in the Act
ABC News Live
Holiday Party Ideas and Must-Haves
The Globe and Mail
Mansplaining is rude, belittling and not going away. Here’s how to shut it down
Daily Blast Live
Device Addiction: Communication Coach Karen Donaldson on Recognizing It, Dealing With It
NBC Bloom TV
Getting in the Zone to Boost Confidence
A Polite Way To Prevent Others From Interrupting You